Also don't stop at the food pictures, add your Denmark Phone Number List photos, show your staff, add videos and don't forget the smiling happy customers! From a Google listings standpoint to help you, they have standard Denmark Phone Number List in the dashboard for you to tag your photos, including: trademark Cover photo Internal External working team video google post As far as Google My Business goes, Google Posts is an underrated feature that seems to be very popular. For some companies it works very well, for others it doesn't work so well. From Denmark Phone Number List experience, it seems to work very well for restaurants.
Google Posts are a form of Weibo. It gives Denmark Phone Number List extra space to showcase your restaurant to potential customers. Especially for this industry, showcasing new dishes, showcasing satisfied customers and promoting any upcoming events is a huge asset. Also from a local SEO standpoint, it has Denmark Phone Number List bigger role in search results! In addition to that, there is some research showing that it may help improve your ranking position in the local pack. For more information on Google Posts and how to Denmark Phone Number List them, check out this post: " Google Posts - What They Are and How to Use Them.
Example of a Google post for a Denmark Phone Number List Read more: What is Google My Business? 10. Social Media Social media can be a great asset for any business. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare are especially good for restaurants. As mentioned earlier, these profiles need to have a consistent NAP to Denmark Phone Number List that Google considers the company legitimate and trustworthy. Your social media profiles are a useful way to get your customers to talk about you, share your content, and engage with your business. Use it Denmark Phone Number List possible - don't just post links, create interesting content and encourage your potential customers to share information about your restaurant.