The introduction of historical figures such as Washington and Franklin is not contrived but rather accurate based on their writings as well as their activities during the war. Too, these entrances of famous founding fathers and fighters are smoothly written and steer clear of lengthy paragraphs of explanatory material. Additionally, the language of the novel is appropriate for the time period and still readily understandable by today's young readers. All things considered, Lee's novel has a well-paced plot, enjoyable writing style, and certainly maintains a historical accuracy in its presentation.
If you are an investor you are certainly aware of the positive impact the 'extra' fees are adding to the bottom line of the airlines. From the recent filings for the year 2012, Delta collected an average of $7.44 per passenger and Spirit Airlines Telephone Number List collected an average of $19.99 per passenger. As you might imagine this has all of the airlines scurrying about to see how to optimize fee collection, fee creation and squeezing the customer in any way possible.
This equated to $865.9 million in baggage fees alone for Delta in 2012. At a time in history when the internet, faster communication through smart phones and businesses of all types are optimizing their operations and services, the airlines want to keep sticking it to their flying consumers with fees for changes in reservations and more. When you analyze this from a realistic standpoint what is the real cost to the airline if let's say anyone changes their ticketing two or three weeks prior to a trip?