Thinking model or problem-solving ability is like a tree, which Whatsapp Mobile Number List is constantly growing, differentiating and evolving. The vuca world is like an environment, with strong winds, heavy rain, thunder and lightning, destroying the thought, cognition, and thinking model that human beings have established from time Whatsapp Mobile Number List to time. (as shown in figure 1-2, draw it horizontally for better display, don't mind) figure 1-2 1.2 evolution as we all know, according to darwin's theory of biological evolution, each new species comes from inheritance (replication), mutation (innovation), and natural selection (survival). In fact, the problems, cognition, and knowledge faced by human beings are the same, and the various disciplines are related .
Human beings have a Whatsapp Mobile Number List history of 6 million years, of which the explosion of rational wisdom is about 4,000 to 5,000 years. With the opening of rationality, human beings begin to face more and more problems, and more and more Whatsapp Mobile Number List things need to be decided . For evolution (from left to right in the figure) from philosophy to mathematics, then to the natural sciences after the renaissance, to the later humanities, social sciences, and even management in business that evolved, and then to the emerging disciplines in the internet age, all of which have evolved all the way.
To survive better in the vuca world, we Whatsapp Mobile Number List have to continue to produce new disciplines, new classifications, and new types of work. 1.3 question this tree of human knowledge can be understood as the tree of the Whatsapp Mobile Number List evolution of disciplines/work types. Like the theory of evolution, it conforms to several basic assumptions. Compared with parent knowledge, child knowledge is mostly inherited. (copy) compared with parent knowledge, child knowledge will have new elements and new forms to study new problems.