Disney launches for the first time in Spain Phone Number List a store of official products on AliExpress , the global marketplace foronline sales of the Alibaba Phone Number List Group. The store itself has products from all the company's brands: Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and National Geographic. Disney fans will have more than 170 products at their fingertips Phone Number List from leading partners such as Simba, Hasbro, Mattel, Smoby and Planeta.
The store of official Disney products Phone Number List on AliExpress will be focused, at first, on the toys sector . It will have the top 10 of the most demanded properties, such as the toys of the character El Chico (The Child) from the series The Mandalorian , available Phone Number List exclusively on Disney +, which continues in the top sales. The store, which can be accessed through AliExpress Plaza, opens with the company's Christmas campaign "Stories that unite us", as the Phone Number List protagonist with the best gift proposal for the whole family.
The new Disney store is incorporated into the AliExpress Phone Number List Plaza catalog , a platform space made up exclusively of local sellers where all shipments are made from Spain free of charge within a period not exceeding 3 business days. Plaza is one of the Phone Number List most important AliExpress bets in the country and in it you can find products belonging to Phone Number List various categories such as fashion, home, leisure and technology, beauty, accessories and basics for day to day, among others.